Kasutusjuhend PHILIPS 455739316

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Mode d'emploi PHILIPS 455739316

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   PHILIPS 455739316 QUICK START GUIDE (5407 ko)
   PHILIPS 455739316 QUICK START GUIDE (5407 ko)

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Detailne info toote kasutamise kohta on kasutusjuhendis.

[. . . ] For any service or guarantee matters please refer to the addresses given in separate service or guarantee documents. Disposal of waste batteries (applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems) This symbol on the battery or on the packaging indicates that the battery provided with this product shall not be treated as household waste. On certain batteries this symbol might be used in combination with a chemical symbol. The chemical symbols for mercury (Hg) or lead (Pb) are added if the battery contains more than 0. 0005% mercury or 0. 004% lead. 2GB By ensuring these batteries are disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potentially negative consequences for the environment and human health which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of the battery. The recycling of the materials will help to conserve natural resources. [. . . ] To ensure that the battery will be treated properly, hand over the product at end-of-life to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. For all other batteries, please view the section on how to remove the battery from the product safely. Hand the battery over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of waste batteries. For more detailed information about recycling of this product or battery, please contact your local Civic Office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. 3GB Precautions On safety • Should any solid object or liquid fall into the system, unplug the system and have it checked by qualified personnel before operating it any further. • Do not climb on the Sound Bar or the subwoofer, as you may fall down and injure yourself, or system damage may result. On power sources • Before operating the system, check that the operating voltage is identical to your local power supply. The operating voltage is indicated on the nameplate at the rear of the Sound Bar. • If you are not going to use the system for a long time, be sure to disconnect the system from the wall outlet (mains). To disconnect the AC power cord (mains lead), grasp the plug itself; never pull the cord. • One blade of the plug is wider than the other for the purpose of safety and will fit into the wall outlet (mains) only one way. If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, contact your dealer. • AC power cord (mains lead) must be changed only at the qualified service shop. • Do not place anything at the rear of the Sound Bar that might block the ventilation holes and cause malfunctions. In this case, turn the volume of the TV’s speaker down to minimum. ?/1 INPUT Enjoying the surround effect This system can create multichannel surround sound. Each time you press the button, surround mode is toggled ON or OFF. When surround mode is active, the SURROUND indicator on the Sound Bar is lit. SURROUND % BASS +/– TREBLE +/– 2 +/– Adjusting the bass and treble level You can adjust the bass and treble level. To adjust the treble level, press TREBLE +/–. To adjust the bass level, press BASS +/–. When bass or treble is set to either minimum or maximum, the input indicators on the Sound Bar flash. 1 2 Press ?/1 to turn on the system. Press one of INPUT to select the input source. Input source Playable equipment OPTICAL COAXIAL ANALOG Device connected to the OPTICAL jack Device connected to the COAXIAL jack Device connected to the ANALOG jacks Enjoying sound at low volume (night mode) You can enjoy sound effects and hear the dialog clearly even at a low volume level (night mode). Night mode is available only for Dolby encoded TV programs, DVD, and Blu-ray discsTM. 14GB To set night mode to ON Press and hold SURROUND until the COAXIAL indicator on the Sound Bar flashes twice. Controlling a connected TV If you use a Sony TV only without using this system, you can control the Sony TV connected to the system, using the buttons with yellow printing on the remote control. To set night mode to OFF Press and hold SURROUND until the OPTICAL indicator on the Sound Bar flashes twice. TV ?/1 TV 2 +/– TV PROG +/– % t Playback Options 1 2 3 4 Press TV ?/1 to turn on the TV. Press TV PROG +/– to select a channel. Press TV 2 +/– to adjust the volume. Press % to turn off the TV sound. 15GB Notes Changing the battery The working distance of the remote shortens as the battery becomes exhausted. When the remote no longer operates the unit, replace the battery with a new CR2025 lithium battery. 1 Push and hold the latch of the battery holder, then pull out the battery holder. • If you do not use the remote for a long period of time, remove the battery to avoid possible damage from battery leakage and corrosion. [. . . ] When the remote no longer operates the unit, replace the battery with a new CR2025 lithium battery. 1 Push and hold the latch of the battery holder, then pull out the battery holder. • If you do not use the remote for a long period of time, remove the battery to avoid possible damage from battery leakage and corrosion. • Dispose of used battery promptly. Keep the lithium battery out of the reach of children. Should the battery be swallowed, immediately consult a doctor. [. . . ]


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