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Detailne info toote kasutamise kohta on kasutusjuhendis.
[. . . ] Vaadake jaotist Fotode printimine PictBridge'iga ühilduvast seadmest (ainult MP270 series) .
Ärge ühendage printeri otseprintimise porti PictBridge'iga ühildumatut seadet. Vastasel juhul võib tekkida tuleoht, elektrilöögi oht või seadme kahjustus.
Ärge puudutage metallist korpust.
(10) USB-port
Ühendage sellega seadet arvutiga ühendav USB-kaabel.
Ärge puudutage metallist korpust. Ärge ühendage ega eemaldage USB-kaablit ajal, mil seade arvuti kaudu prindib või originaale skannib.
(11) Toitejuhtme pesa
Ühendage kaasasolev toitejuhe.
Sisemine vaade
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(12) Tindikasseti lukustuskaaned
Lukustavad FINE-kasseti oma kohale.
(13) Skannimisseade (kaas)
Skannib originaale. Avage see, et FINE-kassette asendada või kinnikiilunud paberit seadme sisemusest eemaldada. [. . . ] Preferences Dialog Box
Opens this guide.
The following restrictions apply when you scan with Document Type set to Auto Mode in the Save or Custom dialog box. When you want to convert text in the scanned image to text data, specify Document Type (do not select Auto Mode).
Related Topic
Easy Scanning with One-click
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Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window)
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Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Photos/ Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window)
Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window)
Point to Scan/Import in the Navigation Mode screen and click Photos/Documents (Platen) to open the Photos/Documents (Platen) screen (Scan/Import window).
Open this window to scan documents from the Platen.
(1) Settings and Operation Buttons (2) Toolbar (3) Thumbnail Window (4) Selected Images Area
Settings and Operation Buttons
(View & Use)
Click this when you want to open images and PDF files saved on your computer. View & Use Window
Photos/Documents (Platen)
Displays the screen for scanning photos, documents, magazines and other printed materials.
Document Type
Select the type of document to be scanned. Scanning photos: Color Photo or Black and White Photo Scanning text documents: Color Document, Black and White Document or Text(OCR) Scanning magazines: Magazine(Color)
You cannot select Document Type if the Use the scanner driver checkbox is selected.
Specify. . .
Specify the document size, resolution, and other advanced scan settings.
Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window)
Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents)
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Specify. . . is not available if the Use the scanner driver checkbox is selected.
Use the scanner driver
Select this checkbox when you want to scan with ScanGear (scanner driver). Use ScanGear (scanner driver) to correct images and adjust colors when scanning. Scan
Scanning starts.
This button changes to Open Scanner Driver when you select the Use the scanner driver checkbox.
Open Scanner Driver
ScanGear (scanner driver) starts. See "ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens " for details on ScanGear (scanner driver) screens.
This button changes to Scan when you deselect the Use the scanner driver checkbox. Clear
Delete all images in the Thumbnail window.
Images not saved on a computer will be deleted. To keep important images, use Save or other methods to save them to a computer before clicking Clear. Click to open the Save dialog box and specify the save settings. You cannot select this checkbox when Document Size is Stitch Assist. The inclination of the following types of documents may not be corrected, as the text cannot be detected correctly. - Documents in which the text lines are inclined more than 10 degrees or the angles vary by line - Documents containing both vertical and horizontal text - Documents with extremely large or small fonts
Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents)
- Documents with small amount of text - Documents containing figures/images or hand-written text - Documents containing both vertical and horizontal lines (tables)
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Scanning takes longer than usual when you enable Correct slanted document.
Detect the orientation of text documents and rotate images
Select this checkbox to detect the orientation of the document from the scanned text and rotate the scanned image to the correct orientation. Select the language of the document to be scanned in Document Language.
You cannot select this checkbox when Document Type is Color Photo or Black and White Photo. You cannot select this checkbox when Document Size is Stitch Assist. This function may not work properly depending on the document language. Only text documents written in languages that can be selected from Document Language are supported. The orientation of the following types of documents may not be corrected, as the text cannot be detected correctly. In that case, select the scanned image in the Thumbnail window of the " Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) " and rotate it with Edit Tools. - Resolution is outside the range of 300 dpi to 600 dpi - Font size is outside the range of 8 points to 48 points - Documents containing special fonts, effects, italics, or hand-written text - Documents with patterned backgrounds
Scanning takes longer than usual when you enable Detect the orientation of text documents and rotate images.
Document Language
Select the language of the document to be scanned.
You cannot select this checkbox when Document Type is Color Photo or Black and White Photo. You cannot select this checkbox when Document Size is Stitch Assist.
Restores the default settings.
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Save Dialog Box
Lehekülg 391 / 679
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Save Dialog Box
Save Dialog Box
The Save dialog box opens when you click Save in the Scan/Import window. [. . . ] When you change the settings of the print server, you should delete the icon of the shared printer from the client system, and then specify the shared settings again in the client system.
When the Same Printer Driver is Installed in the Print Server System and the Client System as the Local Printer
The net crawl function may automatically create a network printer icon on the client system.
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Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX
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Advanced Guide > Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX
Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX
--- Transforming Your Photos into Creative Works of Art --Easy-PhotoPrint EX allows you to create albums, calendars and stickers easily using photos taken with digital cameras.
You can also print borderless photos easily.
Start Easy-PhotoPrint EX
Click Here: Easy-PhotoPrint EX
See the section below for details on how to use Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Printing with the Bundled Application Software
Create a Personalized Photo Album
Creating a personalized photo album is an easy task if you use Easy-PhotoPrint EX!All you need to do is select which photos to use, select a layout, then load paper into your printer and print. After you bind the printed sheets, you'll have the one and only album of your memories!
You can change the layout and background, and attach comments to photos.
You can also select the size and orientation.
You can arrange a photo across the left and right pages.
Select a theme (background design) to create a single-themed album.
Decorate Items with Text and Frames
You can add text and frames to photos. [. . . ]
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