Lastmanuals pakub riist- ja tarkvaraliste kasutusjuhendite jagamise, salvestamise ja otsimise ühiskondlikult juhitud teenust. ÄRA UNUSTA : ALATI LOE TOOTEJUHENDIT ENNE OSTMIST !!!
Kui see dokument vastab kasutusjuhendile, joonisele või juhenditele, mida te otsisite, laadige see kohe alla. Lastmanuals tagab sulle kiire ja lihtsa ligipääsu CANON IMAGERUNNER ADVANCE C5045I kasutusjuhendile. Me loodame, et see CANON IMAGERUNNER ADVANCE C5045I kasutusjuhend on sulle kasulik.
Lastmanuals aitab alla laadida CANON IMAGERUNNER ADVANCE C5045I kasutusjuhendi.
Detailne info toote kasutamise kohta on kasutusjuhendis.
[. . . ] Süttib: valitud on suvand Wireless LAN active. Vilgub: printimine või skannimine juhtmeta kohtvõrgu kaudu. Tuli vilgub samuti seadistamise ajal, kui seade otsib juhtmeta kohtvõrgu pääsupunkti ning loob sellega ühendust.
(8) Paberi väljastusalus
Avaneb automaatselt printimise ja kopeerimise käivitumisel ning prinditud paberi väljutamisel.
(9) Väljastusaluse pikendus
Avage väljaprintide toetamiseks. Avage see, kui prindite või kopeerite.
(10) Kopeerimisalus
Asetage kopeeritav või skannitav originaal seadmesse.
(11) Kassett
Lisage A4, B5, A5, või Letter-formaadis tavapaberit ja sisestage see seadmesse. [. . . ] When saving multiple files, 4 digits are appended to each file name.
Save in
Displays the folder in which to save the PDF files. The following folders are specified by default. Windows Vista: MP Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder
Save to a Subfolder with Current Date
Select this checkbox to create a subfolder in the folder specified in Save in with the current date and save scanned files in it. A subfolder with a name such as "2009_01_01" (Year_Month_Date) will be created. If this checkbox is not selected, files are saved directly in the folder specified in Save in.
Page top
PDF Settings Dialog Box
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Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > PDF Settings Dialog Box
PDF Settings Dialog Box
In the PDF Settings dialog box, you can specify the PDF compression type and other advanced settings for creating PDF files.
Enable keyword search
Select this checkbox to convert characters in a document to text data. This will enable an easy search by keyword.
Document Language
Select the language of the document to be scanned.
Detect the orientation of text documents and rotate images
Select this checkbox to detect the orientation of the document from the scanned text and rotate the scanned image to the correct orientation.
This function may not work properly depending on the document language. Only text documents written in languages that can be selected from Document Language are supported. The orientation of the following types of documents may not be corrected, as the text cannot be detected correctly. - Resolution is outside the range of 300 dpi to 600 dpi - Font size is outside the range of 8 points to 48 points - Documents containing special fonts, effects, italics, or hand-written text - Documents with patterned backgrounds
Correct slanted document
Select this checkbox to detect the scanned text and correct the angle (within -0. 1 to -10 degrees or +0. 1 to +10 degrees) of the document.
The inclination of the following types of documents may not be corrected, as the text cannot be detected correctly. - Documents in which the text lines are inclined more than 10 degrees or the angles vary by line - Documents containing both vertical and horizontal text - Documents with extremely large or small fonts - Documents with small amount of text - Documents containing figures/images or hand-written text - Documents containing both vertical and horizontal lines (tables)
PDF Compression
Select a compression type for saving.
PDF Settings Dialog Box
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It is recommended that you normally select this setting.
Compresses the file size when saving, allowing you to reduce the load on your network/server.
Highly compressed PDF images may degrade if you repeatedly save them with high
The following images can be compressed with high efficiency. - Images with resolutions within the range of 75 dpi to 600 dpi.
Set passwords for opening, editing and printing the created PDF files.
In Windows 2000, Internet Explorer 5. 5 Service Pack 2 or later is required to use this function. For "Scanned/Imported Images", "From Scanner" and "From Memory Card" are displayed separately. Select a Month/Date/Year folder to display images by date in the Thumbnail window to the right. Image date is the scanned or sent date.
The advanced search options opens. Searching Images
Jump to Main Menu
Jumps to the Main Menu.
Image Handling Buttons
Image Handling Buttons
Specify what to do with the selected images. See the corresponding sections below for details on each button. Creating/Editing PDF Files Printing Documents Printing Photos Sending via E-mail Editing Files
The buttons in Image Handling Buttons are displayed when the corresponding applications are installed.
The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions. Preferences Dialog Box
Opens this guide.
Edit Tools
(Select All)
Selects all images in the Thumbnail window.
(Cancel All)
Cancels all image selections in the Thumbnail window.
View Use Window
(Image Correction/Enhancement)
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Allows you to correct the target image (outlined in orange). Click this button to open the Correct/ Enhance Images window in which you can correct/enhance images and also adjust the brightness, contrast, etc. Correct/Enhance Images Window
Image correction/enhancement cannot be applied to PDF files or black and white binary files.
Zoom in
Enlarges the target image (outlined in orange). You can also enlarge the image by doubleclicking it. [. . . ] WEP-võtmega kasutatav märk sõltub valitud võtmevormingutest.
Määrake 5- või 13-märgilise stringiga, mis võib sisaldada alfanumeerilisi ja alljoonega , , _" märke. Hex Määrake 10- või 26-kohaline string, mis võib sisaldada kuueteistkümnendsüsteemi kuuluvaid elemente (0 kuni 9, A kuni F ja a kuni f).
Võtme pikkus (Key Length)
WEP-võtme pikkus. Valige kas 64 bitti või 128 bitti. Pikem võti võimaldab teil keerulisemat WEP-võtit määrata.
Lingi kvaliteet
Pääsupunkti ja printeri vahelise ühenduse olek, v. a müra (segamine), on tähistatud väärtusega 0-st kuni 100%-ni.
Windows Vistasse võrgutopoloogia tuvastuseks ja teenusekvaliteedi diagnostikaks sisse ehitatud lingikihi protokoll.
LLTD võrgukaardistuse (Network Map) funktsioon kuvab kohtvõrgu graafilise väljenduse.
TCP/IP võrkudes kasutatav platvormist sõltumatu printimisprotokoll. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals pakub riist- ja tarkvaraliste kasutusjuhendite jagamise, salvestamise ja otsimise ühiskondlikult juhitud teenust. Lastmanuals ei saa olla kuidagi vastutav selle eest, kui dokument, mida te otsite, ei ole saadaval, on poolik või ei ole selles keeles, mida te eelistate. Lastmanuals ei vastuta, kui keel või mudel ei vasta kirjeldustega. Lastmanuals ei paku tõlketeenust.
Kui sa oled tingimustega nõus, kliki lepingu lõpus „Lae alla kasutusjuhend“ ning allalaadimine algab.