Lastmanuals pakub riist- ja tarkvaraliste kasutusjuhendite jagamise, salvestamise ja otsimise ühiskondlikult juhitud teenust. ÄRA UNUSTA : ALATI LOE TOOTEJUHENDIT ENNE OSTMIST !!!
Kui see dokument vastab kasutusjuhendile, joonisele või juhenditele, mida te otsisite, laadige see kohe alla. Lastmanuals tagab sulle kiire ja lihtsa ligipääsu CANON IMAGERUNNER ADVANCE C5051I kasutusjuhendile. Me loodame, et see CANON IMAGERUNNER ADVANCE C5051I kasutusjuhend on sulle kasulik.
Lastmanuals aitab alla laadida CANON IMAGERUNNER ADVANCE C5051I kasutusjuhendi.
Detailne info toote kasutamise kohta on kasutusjuhendis.
[. . . ] Täpsema teabe saamiseks pöörduge kohalikku Canon teeninduskeskusse.
Ühendage seadme otseprintimise pordiga ainult PictBridge'iga ühilduvaid seadmeid, fakultatiivset Bluetoothi seadet BU-30 või USB-välkmälu. Vastasel juhul võib tekkida tuleoht, elektrilöögi oht või seadme kahjustus.
Ärge puudutage metallist korpust.
(10) Paberi väljastusalus
Avaneb automaatselt printimise ja kopeerimise käivitumisel ning prinditud paberi väljastamisel.
(11) Väljastusaluse pikendus
Avage väljatrükkide toetamiseks. Avage see, kui prindite või kopeerite.
(12) Kopeerimisalus
Asetage kopeeritav või skannitav originaal seadmesse.
(13) Kassett
Lisage A4, B5, A5 või Letter-formaadis tavapaberit ja sisestage see seadmesse. Saate korraga lisada kaks või enam sama suurusega paberilehte ning sööta automaatselt ühe lehe korraga.
Vt Paberi lisamine.
(14) Skannimisseadme tuvastamise nupp
Lukustab skannimiseadme (kaane), kui dokumendikaas on avatud. [. . . ] Select a Units, then enter the Width and Height and click OK.
When you select Auto Detect, the image may not be scanned at the correct position and size. In that case, change the size to the actual document size (A4, Letter, etc. ) and align a corner of the document with the corner at the arrow of the Platen. See "Placing Documents" for details on how to place documents. You cannot select Auto Detect (Multiple Documents) or Auto Detect when Document Type is Text(OCR).
Scanning Resolution
Select the resolution at which to scan documents. Resolution
The following scanning resolutions can be specified when Document Type is Text(OCR). 300 dpi / 400 dpi Descreen
Select this checkbox to reduce moire patterns. Printed photos and pictures are displayed as a collection of fine dots. Moire is a phenomenon where
Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents)
dots may interfere with each other and cause uneven gradation and a stripe pattern in the image. Descreen is the function for reducing this moire effect.
Sivu 443/807
You cannot select this checkbox when Document Type is Color Photo, Black and White Photo or Text(OCR).
Scanning takes longer than usual when you enable Descreen.
Unsharp Mask
Select this checkbox to emphasize the outline of the subjects and sharpen the image.
You cannot select this checkbox when Document Type is Text(OCR).
Prevent show-through of the document
Select this checkbox to sharpen text in a document or reduce show-through in newspapers.
You cannot select this checkbox when Document Type is Color Photo, Black and White Photo or Text(OCR). Select this checkbox when Document Type is text document and show-through is apparent in the scanned image.
Remove gutter shadow
Select this checkbox to correct shadows that appear between pages when scanning open booklets.
Align the document correctly with the marks on the Platen. Gutter shadows can be corrected only when Document Size is set to a standard size. The images are added to the end of the PDF file. You cannot rearrange the pages of the PDF file to which the images are added.
Images can only be added to PDF files created with MP Navigator EX. You cannot specify PDF files created with other applications. PDF files edited in other applications cannot be specified as well. If a password-protected PDF file is edited, the passwords will be deleted. Setting Passwords for PDF Files
Set. . .
Make advanced settings for creating PDF files. See "PDF Settings Dialog Box " for details.
Password security settings
Select this checkbox to open the Password Security -Settings dialog box in which you can set passwords for opening, editing and printing created PDF files. Setting Passwords for PDF Files
Add to
This is displayed when you select PDF(Add Page) for Save as type and specify the PDF file to which images are added. to specify another one.
Images can only be added to PDF files created with MP Navigator EX. You cannot specify PDF files created with other applications. PDF files edited in other applications cannot be specified as well.
File name
Enter the file name of the image to be saved (up to 32 characters). [. . . ] Uncheck Show informational notifications for network printers on the Advanced tab, and then restart the computer.
In Windows XP or Windows 2000:
Open Server Properties from the File menu of the Printer and Faxes window (Windows XP) or the Printers window (Windows 2000) on the print server system. Uncheck Notify when remote documents are printed on the Advanced tab, and then restart the computer.
The bi-directional communication function is disabled so that the correct printer status may not be recognized. If a client user opens the printer driver properties and then clicks OK with the Enable bidirectional support check box on the Ports tab unchecked, the bi-directional function of the printer server system may also be disabled. In this case, check Enable bidirectional support check box on both the print server system and the client system.
When you print from a client system, you cannot use Canon IJ Preview. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals pakub riist- ja tarkvaraliste kasutusjuhendite jagamise, salvestamise ja otsimise ühiskondlikult juhitud teenust. Lastmanuals ei saa olla kuidagi vastutav selle eest, kui dokument, mida te otsite, ei ole saadaval, on poolik või ei ole selles keeles, mida te eelistate. Lastmanuals ei vastuta, kui keel või mudel ei vasta kirjeldustega. Lastmanuals ei paku tõlketeenust.
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