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CANON IRC2380I (59162 ko)
Käsitsi abstraktne: manual CANON IRC2380I
Detailne info toote kasutamise kohta on kasutusjuhendis.
[. . . ] Saate korraga lisada kaks vi enam sama suurusega ja sama tpi paberilehte ning sta automaatselt he lehe korraga.
Vt Paberi lisamine.
(8) Paberijuhikud
Paberivirna mlema klje joondamiseks lkake juhikuid kokku.
(9) Dokumendikaas
Avage originaali asetamiseks kopeerimisalusele.
Leheklg 5 / 1128
(10) Wi-Fi-mrgutuli
Tuli sttib vi vilgub siniselt, edastades teavet juhtmeta kohtvrgu oleku kohta. Sttib: valitud on suvand Wireless LAN active. Vilgub: printimine vi skannimine juhtmeta kohtvrgu kaudu. Tuli vilgub samuti seadistamise ajal, kui seade otsib juhtmeta kohtvrgu psupunkti ning loob sellega hendust.
(11) Paberi vljastusalus
Avaneb automaatselt printimise ja kopeerimise kivitumisel ning prinditud paberi vljutamisel.
(12) Vljastusaluse pikendus
Avage vljaprintide toetamiseks. [. . . ] When you click this icon, the Auto Scan dialog box opens and you can specify the save settings. Auto Scan Dialog Box Save Scan documents or photos and save them to a computer. The document type can be detected automatically. When you click this icon, the Save dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save settings. Save Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen)
Scan documents and save them as PDF files. When you click this icon, the PDF dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save and application settings. PDF Dialog Box
Scan documents or photos and attach them to e-mail. When you click this icon, the Mail dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save and e-mail software program settings. Mail Dialog Box
Scan text documents then extract text in the image and display it in Notepad (included with Windows). When you click this icon, the OCR dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save settings. OCR Dialog Box
Scan documents/photos and open them in a specified application. Large documents (such as A4 size photos) that cannot be placed away from the edges/arrow (alignment mark) of the Platen may be saved as PDF files. To save in a format other than PDF, scan by specifying the file format. You cannot set passwords for PDF files.
When Auto is selected, files are saved in the following formats according to the document type. Photos, postcards, CD/DVD and business cards: JPEG Magazines, newspapers and text documents: PDF You can change the file format from Set. . . .
Set. . .
When Save as type is Auto
You can specify the file format in which to save images. Select a file format for Document and Photo each.
You cannot select a compression type for JPEG files when the Compress scanned images when transferring checkbox is selected on the " General Tab" of the Preferences dialog box.
When Save as type is JPEG/Exif
You can specify a compression type for JPEG files. Select High(Low Compression), Standard or Low(High Compression).
This setting is not available when the Compress scanned images when transferring checkbox is selected on the " General Tab" of the Preferences dialog box.
When Save as type is PDF
Make advanced settings for creating PDF files. See " PDF Settings Dialog Box " for details.
Auto Scan Dialog Box
Save in
Leheklg 614 / 1128
Displays the folder in which to save the scanned images. The following folders are specified by default. Windows 7: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows Vista: MP Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder
Save to a Subfolder with Current Date
Select this checkbox to create a subfolder in the folder specified in Save in with the current date and save scanned files in it. A subfolder with a name such as "2010_01_01" (Year_Month_Date) will be created. If this checkbox is not selected, files are saved directly in the folder specified in Save in.
Start scanning by clicking the one-click button
Select this checkbox to start scanning when you click an icon in One-click Mode.
Saves and applies the specified settings. [. . . ] IPv4 kasutab 32-bitiseid aadresse ning IPv6 kasutab 128-bitiseid aadresse.
Leheklg 1126 / 1128
Vtme vorming (Key Format)
Valige WEP-vtme vorminguks ASCII vi Hex. WEP-vtmega kasutatav mrk sltub valitud vtmevormingutest.
Mrake 5- vi 13-mrgilise stringiga, mis vib sisaldada alfanumeerilisi ja alljoonega , , _" mrke. Hex Mrake 10- vi 26-kohaline string, mis vib sisaldada kuueteistkmnendssteemi kuuluvaid elemente (0 kuni 9, A kuni F ja a kuni f).
Vtme pikkus (Key Length)
WEP-vtme pikkus. Pikem vti vimaldab teil keerulisemat WEP-vtit mrata.
Lingi kvaliteet
Psupunkti ja printeri vahelise henduse olek, v. a mra (segamine), on thistatud vrtusega 0-st kuni 100%-ni.
Windows Vistasse vrgutopoloogia tuvastuseks ja teenusekvaliteedi diagnostikaks sisse ehitatud lingikihi protokoll.
LLTD vrgukaardistuse (Network Map) funktsioon kuvab kohtvrgu graafilise vljenduse.
TCP/IP vrkudes kasutatav platvormist sltumatu printimisprotokoll. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals pakub riist- ja tarkvaraliste kasutusjuhendite jagamise, salvestamise ja otsimise ühiskondlikult juhitud teenust. Lastmanuals ei saa olla kuidagi vastutav selle eest, kui dokument, mida te otsite, ei ole saadaval, on poolik või ei ole selles keeles, mida te eelistate. Lastmanuals ei vastuta, kui keel või mudel ei vasta kirjeldustega. Lastmanuals ei paku tõlketeenust.
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