Lastmanuals pakub riist- ja tarkvaraliste kasutusjuhendite jagamise, salvestamise ja otsimise ühiskondlikult juhitud teenust. ÄRA UNUSTA : ALATI LOE TOOTEJUHENDIT ENNE OSTMIST !!!
Kui see dokument vastab kasutusjuhendile, joonisele või juhenditele, mida te otsisite, laadige see kohe alla. Lastmanuals tagab sulle kiire ja lihtsa ligipääsu CANON LASERBASE MF8180C kasutusjuhendile. Me loodame, et see CANON LASERBASE MF8180C kasutusjuhend on sulle kasulik.
Lastmanuals aitab alla laadida CANON LASERBASE MF8180C kasutusjuhendi.
Detailne info toote kasutamise kohta on kasutusjuhendis.
[. . . ] Kuva taastamiseks vajutage ükskõik millist nuppu, v. a nuppu Sisse (ON) või alustage printimist.
(6) Juhtpaneel
Kasutage seadme sätete muutmiseks või sellega töötamiseks. Vt jaotist Juhtpaneel .
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(7) Paberi väljastusalus
Avaneb automaatselt printimise ja kopeerimise käivitumisel ning prinditud paberi väljutamisel.
(8) Väljastusaluse pikendus
Avage väljaprintide toetamiseks. Avage see, kui prindite või kopeerite.
(9) Märgutuli Häire (Alarm)
Vea ilmnemisel, näiteks paberi või tindi lõppemisel, põleb või vilgub oranzilt.
(10) Nupp Sisse (ON)
Lülitab seadme toite sisse või välja. Enne seadme sisselülitamist veenduge, et dokumendikaas on suletud.
Toitepistiku väljatõmbamine
Kui tõmbate toitepistiku pärast toite väljalülitamist seinakontaktist välja, siis veenduge, et märgutuli POWER ei põle. [. . . ] Click Edit/Convert, then click Fix photo images on the list.
The Correct/Enhance Images window opens.
The Correct/Enhance Images window can also be opened by clicking (Image Correction/ Enhancement) on the Toolbar or in the Zoom in dialog box. In that case, only the target image (outlined in orange) can be corrected/enhanced. See "Correct/Enhance Images Window " for details on the Correct/Enhance Images window.
3. Select the image you want to adjust from the thumbnail list.
The selected image appears in Preview.
Adjusting Images
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If you selected only one image in the View & Use window, the thumbnail list does not appear and only the preview image appears.
4. Move the slider of the item you want to adjust and set the effect level.
When you move a slider, preview image.
(Correct/Enhance) mark appears on the upper left of the thumbnail and
Click Advanced to make fine adjustments to the image brightness and color tone. See " Advanced " in the descriptions of the Correct/Enhance Images window for details. Click Defaults to reset all adjustments. Click Reset Selected Image to cancel all corrections, enhancements and adjustments applied to the selected image.
6. Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Images.
You can save adjusted images as new files.
Adjusting Images
To save only the images you like, select them and click Save Selected Image. To save all images, click Save All Corrected Images. The file format of adjusted images is JPEG/Exif.
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7. To create custom categories, see " Creating Custom Categories . " Unclassified: Displays images that are not classified.
Click Classify Images to classify images displayed in Unclassified automatically. Classification may take time if there are many images to classify.
Even if you classify images saved in removable media such as USB flash drive and external hard disk, the classification information will be deleted once you remove the media. From the next time, the images are classified to Unclassified. Images cannot be classified when Recently Saved Images is selected in the View & Use window.
Some images may not be detected correctly and thus may be classified into wrong categories. In that case, drag and drop the image to the correct category. Images saved in network folders may not be classified. See " Searching Images " for details.
Creating Custom Categories
1. In the View & Use window, sort images by category and click Edit Custom
The Edit Custom Categories dialog box opens.
2. Click Add to List.
The Add Category dialog box opens.
3. Enter Category name and click OK.
You can create up to 20 custom categories. Up to 50 single-byte characters can be used for a category name. [. . . ] Uncheck Show informational notifications for network printers on the Advanced tab, and then restart the computer.
If you are using Windows XP:
Open Server Properties from the File menu of the Printer and Faxes window on the print server system. Uncheck Notify when remote documents are printed on the Advanced tab, and then restart the computer. The bi-directional communication function is disabled and the correct printer status may not be recognized. If a client user opens the printer driver properties (to display the properties when using Windows 7, press the Alt key, and select Printer properties from the displayed File menu) and then clicks OK with the Enable bidirectional support check box cleared on the Ports tab, the bidirectional communication function of the printer server may also be disabled. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals pakub riist- ja tarkvaraliste kasutusjuhendite jagamise, salvestamise ja otsimise ühiskondlikult juhitud teenust. Lastmanuals ei saa olla kuidagi vastutav selle eest, kui dokument, mida te otsite, ei ole saadaval, on poolik või ei ole selles keeles, mida te eelistate. Lastmanuals ei vastuta, kui keel või mudel ei vasta kirjeldustega. Lastmanuals ei paku tõlketeenust.
Kui sa oled tingimustega nõus, kliki lepingu lõpus „Lae alla kasutusjuhend“ ning allalaadimine algab.