Kasutusjuhend PHILIPS 8020X

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[. . . ] Moisturizing shaving system Rechargeable Cordless Tripleheader ® Razor COOL SKIN 8020X Register your product and get support at www. philips. com/norelco ENGLISH 4 ESPAÑOL 26 Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips Norelco!To fully benefit from the support that Philips Norelco offers, register your product at www. philips. com/norelco Felicitaciones en su compra y recepción a Philips Norelco!Beneficiar completamente de la ayuda que las ofertas de Philips Norelco, colocan su producto en www. philips. com/norelco 8020X 4 ENGLISH ENGLISH 5 IMPORTANT SAfETy INSTRUCTIONS precautions should When using an electric razor, basic safety always be followed, including the following: Read all instructions before using this appliance. DANGER of electric shock: To reduce the risk 1. Do not reach for a charging stand that has fallen into water. [. . . ] 1 Remove the tab of the NIvEA FOR MEN Shaving Conditioner bottle (Model HS800). Placing or removing razor from charging stand: C C C Always place razor in stand in an upright position making sure charging contacts in bottom of stand fit into recess in bottom of razor. Turn the cap on the shaving conditioner bottle clockwise. The cap moves down and the shaving conditioner nozzle appears. 3 Place the nozzle of the conditioner bottle into the opening of the conditioner cartridge on the back of the razor. Move the bottle up and down approximately 5 times to pump the shaving conditioner into the cartridge until you see that the shaving cartridge is full. Do not fill the cartridge beyond the MAX indication. C Always remove razor from stand by lifting straight up. Do not leave the charging stand with the razor in it continuously plugged into outlet as it would reduce life of batteries. If storing razor in stand, remove the plug from outlet as soon as the razor is fully charged. 1 Connect the small plug into the charging stand and put the power plug into any 100v to 40v AC outlet. Use only the cord and charging stand provided. A fully charged razor has a cordless shaving time of up to 30 minutes. C 4 C BE CAREFUL NOT TO OVERFILL SHAVING CARTRIDGE. 5 Remove nozzle of the shaving conditioner bottle from shaving conditioner cartridge 14 ENGLISH and turn the cap counterclockwise until the nozzle is flush with the top of the cap. Replace the tab on top of the shaving conditioner bottle. ENGLISH purchase price as long as the request is received within 60 days of purchase. 15 How To Shave With Razor Recharging 1 C This symbol on the razor indicates that the 1 Recharging requires a full 8 hours. When razor is fully charged, disconnect the charging plug from outlet. Do not keep charging stand permanently plugged into outlet. razor can be used in the bath or shower. Make sure the power plug and charging stand do not get wet or near water. Make sure razor is charged and filled with NIvEA FOR MEN shaving conditioner (see `Charging' & `Filling Razor Cartridge' sections). Remove Protective Razor Head Cap from razor by sliding it off from the Razor Head Assembly. Wet your face and neck thoroughly with warm water. Put It To The Test & Shaving Tips 1 Day Trial and Conversion Process. It is a fact that your skin and beard need time to adjust to a new shaving system. Use your new razor exclusively for 3 weeks to fully enjoy the closeness of a Philips Norelco shave. At first you may not get as close a shave as you expect, or your face may even become slightly irritated. This is normal since your beard and skin will need time to adjust. Invest 3 weeks and you'll soon experience the full joy of your new razor. [. . . ] The Razor Head Assembly will only fit correctly in one position on razor. Make sure to align the 2 shaving lotion dispensing holes on the Razor Head Assembly with the 2 shaving lotion tubes on the razor. This razor has no other user-serviceable parts. Any other service should be performed by the Philips Norelco Service Location. Maintenance Always remove razor from the charging stand before cleaning appliance. [. . . ]


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